Welcome to QuoEdit!
QuoEdit is a text editor for plain (monostyled) text that runs on System 7.1 or later version of Mac OS. While it is intended to be simple, QuoEdit supports AppleScript powerfully so that you can automate various tasks. You can also extend the application’s functionality with your own menu commands.
If you copied the QuoEdit’s folder to your hard drive, read the Read Me First and ran the Run Me First, the installation is already done and you can go ahead in many cases. But if you have two or more startup disks or you are going to use QuoEdit's Menu utility on system earlier than Mac OS 8, once check the following.
If you have two or more startup disks
You may have to do something for the (this) guide depending on the environment. (But don’t consider Mac OS X here.)
If your startup disks are all Mac OS 8.6 or later...
Make alias file of QuoEdit Guide folder into the Help folder in the System Folder of other startup disk(s) without changing the name. Note that the Run Me First program makes the alias only in the current startup disk (if the new one is not there). So, you may also run the Run Me First program again after restarting your computer from other startup disk to make the alias.
If your startup disks are all earlier than Mac OS 8.6...
You have to do nothing for the guide (if you have once run the Run Me First program).
If your startup disks contain both Mac OS 8.6 or later and earlier...
The included Apple Guide files QEdt Guide and QEMn Guide don’t work on systems earlier than 8.6. So, put them away into Guides folder in Miscellaneous folder (if not yet) if you wish to use this guide under common condition.
But note that if you run the Run Me First program again, the location of the guide files are to be optimized (if they’re in the proper folder) for the current system. So, you may also run the Run Me First program repeatedly when you changed the startup disk. That would be better.
To use QuoEdit's Menu on Mac OS 7.x.x
QuoEdit's Menu is a utility to edit menus of the QuoEdit. If you are going to use it on system earlier than Mac OS 8, installing a special font is recommended. If you are new to that utility, see “Introduction” in “QuoEdit's Menu Guide” for the information.
Table of contents